Welcome to The Compassionate Friends
Fayetteville Area Chapter
Fayetteville, North Carolina

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting

Worldwide Candle Lighting
The Compassionate Friends holds an annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Service (second Sunday in December). This event is held around the globe at 7:00 p.m. in each time zone so that a continuous light shines in memory of all deceased children. Through local TCF Chapters, parents and families gather to honor their child through readings, music and candle lighting.
May the light of their spirit
burn brightly within our hearts.
TCF Fayetteville Chapter
Candle Lighting Service
Fayetteville Community Church
2010 Middle River Loop
Fayetteville, NC 28312
2:00 PM 2nd Sunday in December
The Fayetteville, NC Area Chapter of TCF allows the bereaved families to read a poem, sing songs, or tell a story during the candle lighting ceremony and then to light a candle in memory of each of their children who have died. Those present are invited to write a message to their child on a small angle shaped paper ornament and place it on a nearby Christmas tree. This is a special evening for bereaved parents and their families giving them an opportunity to express their feeling sand acknowledge their children in a beautiful, meaningful way at a particularly difficult time of the year.
We invite members to submit items for inclusion in our service. Suitable items are poetry, verses, songs, and readings. Should you wish to submit a song please send in a CD of it. Our time is limited during the candle lighting. If you have any queries please email Cindy Tart at Flossiemay4771@gmail.com

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The Compassionate Friends Walk to Remember® is a highlight of every TCF National Conference. It was created as a symbolic way to show the love we carry for the children we mourn. Held at 8 a.m. Sunday on the final day of the national conference it starts at the host hotel of the conference. There is an air of anticipation and excitement as everyone gathers in preparation for the start of the Walk. Finally the Walk begins and, hand-in-hand everyone walks, meditating on a much different time in their lives. The Walk to Remember is also used as a major fundraiser to help support the work of The Compassionate Friends.